

I’m Diane, here to cultivate a world of love and compassion through generational healing.

Together we can...




Break generational patterns.



Cultivate deep connections.



Lead your life with confidence.

Programs and Offerings

IĀ offer a range of 1:1 programs as well as hypnotherapy sessions.Ā 

1:1 Coaching Programs

I currently have 3 different 3-month coaching containers as well as my signature Connected Parenting Program.

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Hypnotherapy is a beautiful journey of re-locating the truth of who you are. Returning you to your essence – your deepest, wisest self.

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Have questions about what I offer?

My Why?


I want to cultivate a world of love and compassion through generational healing.

More About Me

The latest from the podcast...

Tune in to hear all about conscious approaches to handling behaviors that challenge us, all while finding the beauty beneath it all. 

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“Diane Sorensen has been so great to work with! My husband and I have been on journey to figure out how to best support our strong willed and extremely hyper active 4 year old boy. We've really been struggling for the past year and finally found some optimism and support through working with Diane. After our first consultation my husband and I both felt a sense of peace and assurance that we're dong the best we can for our family. We're already starting to see changes in ourselves, like staying calm when our son is having an explosive tantrum and our ability to empathize when things get tough. I'm really excited to see where we'll be a year from now, I just wish we had stumbled upon Diane and Conscious Parenting sooner!”


Amber Frauenholtz

“My kids' had an alphabet soup of diagnosis, ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, ODD, etc. I was feeling lost as a parent. I built a library of parenting books and tried so many different methods, but nothing that I tried was making a difference. I was very discouraged. Thankfully, I was introduced to Diane through a friend. I worked with Diane for a couple of months and through the process, I never felt like she was being judgmental or critical of me. She was very patient and gracious with me as I learned. She gave me practical strategies that I could use myself. As a working parent, I appreciated that the strategies didn't require a tremendous amount of time each day, just consistency. As my husband saw the changes, he started to use some of the strategies too. I am so deeply grateful for Diane's work. By following through with Diane's suggestions, I now have a much closer relationship with my girls and our home is a more peaceful and loving place.


Sarah Garcia

“I am 36 years old and I am mother of two girls, aged 5 and 8. I am from Norway, and I am an occupational therapist, specializing in mental health. Considering my background and experience from working with families in the mental health area for 12 years, I have a lot of knowledge. However, theory and practice are two different things! Working with Diane has taught me so much, on so many levels. She created such a safe and supported space, where I could be vulnerable and try out new things. Because it takes guts to really FEEL and FACE your fears when it comes to parenting. And with Diane by my side, I have managed to do this, baby step by baby step. She has supported me all the way, and I am forever grateful for her dedication, knowledge and love.”


Linda Nilsen

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